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    Comrades, this time Skeleton tried a new style, transforming the sixteen-year-old passionate youth into a sexy and flamboyant man. For an old author attempting a new style, it's a dual test of both brain and courage. But if we don't try now, we'll grow old, so I just want to let loose. I hope everyone will support me.

    Since my thoughts always veer towards passion and battle, coupled with my overly straight-male mindset, even after seven to eight hours of daily exposure to certain videos, I still feel like I haven't quite captured the essence of being flamboyant enough. There's room for deeper and more nuanced exploration. I welcome comments from young, flamboyant men and insightful ladies and gentlemen, as sharing is caring, and I aim to capture the true spirit of flamboyance.

    Ps: Old Wang is a flamboyant man, not a lecher. He has principles... maybe just a little less.

    Honest and reliable young gentleman, spotless and handsome youth, Wang Feng, along with Karida, Clara, Yin Fu, Lucky Heaven, and other beauties, is online seeking your support!

    On the first day of release, I ask for a subscription and a double-vote monthly ticket. Thank you, everyone!

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